Weekly Tarot Card – Five of Cups

IMG_3364This week’s message has to do with perspective. We are in the suit of cups which signify the emotional realm, feelings, intuition, sensitivities, the movements of the heart. What captures our eyes is the large figure clad in black and blue robe, his face hidden as he gazes downward in the depths of dolor. Three large golden cups have fallen over spilling a red (blood) and green (life force) substance.  He has refused their succor. So steeped in his doldrums is the man that he does not see the two upright golden cups behind him. Nor is he aware of the blue river (stream of consciousness) which separates him from the bridge which would bring him to the castle on the hill. His landscape is barren while the landscape around the castle is verdant with grass and trees. His emotions have overwhelmed the situation. If we persist in wallowing in sadness and emotions of loss, we will close ourselves off from the path to happiness. We need to lift up our gaze out of the morass and see what’s around and ahead. A change in perspective is what’s needed.